Why Are Bushcraft Camps So Great for Children’s Development?

Immersing your children in nature and teaching them how to make the most of the environment around them can be so fulfilling. With bushcraft camps, they can do exactly that, while building on a range of other skills and having plenty of fun!

Fun Science Experiments for Entertaining the Kids at Home

Are you looking to introduce the world of mad science to your kids? They don’t have to wait for science classes. In fact, you can do tonnes of science experiments for kids at home. Let’s get stuck in with some fun science experiments you can do at home for kids.

Tips for Preparing Your Child for Secondary School

Taking the big step up to secondary school can be daunting for some, but it doesn’t have to be. Preparing your child for secondary school is a great way to get them used to the new experience.

Learning Bushcraft Skills at PGL

Learning bushcraft skills can be both riveting and useful. If your child is a nature enthusiast then giving them the opportunity to learn all about outdoor skills and bushcraft knowledge could be perfect for the school holidays.

Activities to Develop Your Kids’ Social Skills

Social skills are super important for the growth of your kids! From communicating with others to working in groups and as part of a team, these are all valuable life skills that help with your child’s development.

The Benefits of Educational Water Activities for Kids

Educational water activities for kids bring many benefits. Aside from being so much fun splashing around and playing games, watersports activities can actually help your child develop in lots of different ways. So let's dive in!

Physical Activity Benefits for Kids

Why is physical activity important for children? Well, there are actually many different reasons. Physical activity doesn’t have to be boring (it’s certainly not with PGL!). So let’s take a look at why physical activity is so great for kids!

Why Are Outdoor Adventure Camps So Great for Kids?

Summer activity camps for kids are incredibly beneficial for a whole number of reasons. First and foremost, they’re so much fun, and at PGL we’re all about making your child’s time here one to remember!

How Outdoor Adventure Camps Boost Social Skills

Social skills play a vital role in the development of children. From meeting new friends to learning how to work with others, they’re great skills to continue developing throughout childhood and beyond! At PGL adventure camps, kids get involved with activities and challenges that help boost their social skills through teamwork, communication and cooperation.