Parent Guide
What will my child learn on a PGL Trip?
For activity-based trips in the UK, children overcome a series of challenges in the great outdoors to develop resilience, confidence and the motivation to succeed. The residential experience itself brings a whole range of additional benefits to the personal development of young people. Children will be sharing living and sleeping space, eating together and tackling the day's adventures together, which encourages respect for others, tolerance and better self-awareness.
Many of PGL's study-based and language courses have specific links to the curriculum too. Developed alongside the Party Leader to meet specific learning objectives, many of our study and language courses combine adventure activities with cultural excursions or classroom-based teaching, to inspire a passion for learning and improve motivation when children are back at school.
We are continually developing our courses to offer the best learning opportunities for young people and we work with organisations such as the Council for Learning Outside The Classroom and the Real World Learning Campaign Partnership to share expertise and ensure standards are kept consistently high.