How to book

Teacher Guide

  • PGL Staff in archery session

Making a booking

Making a booking with PGL couldn’t be simpler and our friendly Customer Service Team is on hand to help and give advice every step of the way, from your initial enquiry until you return home from your trip.

Call us on 0333 321 2116, our office is open Monday to Friday 8.30am - 5pm.
If you'd prefer, you can request a quote online and we'll get in touch with you at your convenience.

Your booking arrangements will be looked after personally by one of our experienced Customer Support Team at Head Office who will be on hand to offer any assistance needed.

No-obligation provisional booking

We will reserve the space for 28 days (or to the date shown on your booking contract) and email you a link to MyPGLThis is a secure, password-protected section of our website where you can view your booking information, online forms, and download useful promotional material.

Confirm the booking

To confirm your booking please return the following by the date shown on your booking details:

  • Your completed Webform.
    This is emailed to you shortly before your initial deposit due date.
  • Initial deposits.
    UK Trips - For information on Flexible Cancellation Terms click here

    France Trips - Once paid, initial deposits are not refundable but they are transferable if replacements can be found. Therefore we recommend that you only send deposits for those from whom you have received money. on completion of the webform, we will email over an initial invoice.

  • Any additional requirements

    If required, please complete and return our Special Educational Needs and Dietary webform.

After confirming your booking, PGL will send you:

  • Confirmation of your booking. please check the details are correct and advise us of any necessary amendments as soon as possible.

     Please refer to our UK or France booking terms for information regarding additions, substitutions and cancellation of Party Members.

  • Invoice for interim deposit.
  • Booking Summary/receipt for first deposits.


For payment terms please click here

Recovering VAT (UK trips only)

It is normally possible for most schools and some other groups to reclaim VAT on those elements of the trip for which VAT is chargeable*.

To ensure successful recovery of VAT, please consider the following points:

For schools with a separate LA funded bank account, please ensure that all payments including first deposits are made directly from this account. This should enable your school to recover VAT from your LA, who in return can recover sums due from HM Revenue and Customs.

If you do not have an LA funded bank account, it is likely all payments will need to be made directly to your LA. Please contact your LA Finance Officer at the earliest opportunity to discuss procedures for recovering VAT.

Independent schools, academies and other groups registered for VAT purposes should be able to recover the VAT shown on your invoice through the normal channels from HM Revenue and Customs.

*VAT is applicable on UK trips only.
Overseas trips fall under the EU Tour Operators’ Margin Scheme (TOMS) and we are therefore unable to show the VAT as a separate item. VAT is not reclaimable.