NEW! Flexible Cancellation Terms

for School Adventures in the UK

Adventure on your own terms

That’s why we’re excited to be introducing new flexible cancellation terms for our customers - meaning that - if your group numbers need to fluctuate between the stages of your Initial Booking Deposit and your Passenger Confirmation Invoice (formerly Interim Deposit) being raised, you won’t be financially penalised.

How does it work?

Once you’ve chosen to embark on a school adventure with us, your Initial Deposit will now be raised at the point of placing your provisional booking and will be due for payment after 28 days. To aid with your planning and launching of the trip, you’ll then have another 8 weeks from the Initial Deposit due date to confirm your group size with no loss of deposits (up to 20% of group size). The Passenger Confirmation Invoice will then be raised with your final numbers, after which cancellation fees will be incurred on any further changes made in line with our standard booking terms and conditions.

Please note: Our new flexible cancellation terms & conditions do not apply to PGL School Adventure bookings made within 16 weeks of group departure date.


How long do I have to finalise my group size, between my Initial Deposit and receipt of my Passenger Confirmation invoice?
Your Passenger Confirmation payment is due 12 weeks after your Initial Deposit due date. Your invoice for this payment will be sent to you 4 weeks prior to payment due date (8 weeks after your Initial Deposit due date).
You must provide us with your final group size details before your Passenger Confirmation invoice is raised, giving you 8 weeks to confirm these details after your Initial Deposit due date.

What happens if I need to cancel my whole group booking?
While there will be no loss of Initial Deposit for group size fluctuations (up to 20% paying persons) before your Passenger Confirmation invoice is raised, whole group booking cancellations will be subject to loss of full Initial Deposit.

How do I provide you with changes to group size between my Initial Deposit and receiving my Passenger Confirmation invoice?
If your group size flexes up or down before the date that your Passenger Confirmation invoice is sent (8 weeks post initial deposit due date), you will need to contact us directly to inform us of this, in order to avoid being financially penalised. We will send your Passenger Confirmation invoice with the group size details we have existing, so please do not wait for us to contact you to share any passenger changes.

What happens if there is a change required to group size beyond receipt of my Passenger Confirmation invoice?
Once your Passenger Confirmation invoice has been issued, your Initial Deposit is non-refundable. Please ensure that you have confirmed your group size with us before this point in order to avoid financial loss. 

What is the Passenger Confirmation Payment?
For regular PGL School Adventure customers, the Passenger Confirmation Payment is what has formerly been known as your Interim Deposit. Any change to wording in documentation throughout your booking process does not mean a change to this process, just a naming convention change.

You can view our full Booking Terms & Conditions here