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Access for all

At PGL we are continually working to enable all guests to enjoy the many benefits of our holidays, courses and tours. If members of your party have additional requirements, relating for example to disability, culture or diet, we will be pleased to discuss these with you in advance and endeavour to provide an appropriate solution.

Please call our reservations team on 0333 321 2114 or email with details of any additional requirements.

More information about your stay

Food & Drink

Eating together is an important part of any holiday and we know how tricky it can be to please everyone in the family. PGL Family Adventures include breakfast, lunch and dinner; making food one less thing for you to worry about.

What's included?

Our holidays are perfectly packaged and honestly priced. Unlike many other family holidays, almost everything you need is included in our price and once you arrive there are no expensive surprises to spoil your holiday.